
Motivational Salesman

11/22/2011 23:21

When purchasing a brand new car, a motorcycle or home appliance, you will find these sale representatives who will assist you with your purchase. Like motivational speakers they are there to encourage you to pick out the best product or vehicle suited for your needs. They motivate a customer to go for something that fits their budget and would benefit them more. For example when purchasing a new car or motorcycle, a customer will always say how much their budget is and what specifications they can get. So a sales rep will help them choose a vehicle that is fit with their budget and will definitely be suited for them. Below are a few examples of how exactly do these sales representatives act like motivational speakers.


Buying a Vehicle – Purchasing a new car for the first time can be tough especially if you have no clue what you are looking for. Here is where these salesmen come in. They will help you with in choosing the most suitable vehicle for you in line of your budget. There are many vehicles to choose from if you don’t have a limit with your bank account. These salesmen then become like motivational speakers encouraging and enticing you to choose a certain vehicle that they deemed fit for your standards. They then will talk to you about how much you will be paying for monthly should you wish to go for that certain vehicle.


Purchasing Products and Items – Purchasing for furniture or other products and items you might need for your home will confuse a person. Your best option is to ask for a sales representative to help you with your decision making. Much like motivational speakers, they are there to help you choose and pick out those products and items by explaining their uses and what benefits they have that could help you. They are widely knowledgeable about all the products that are available in their store so they are better at identifying and explaining as to the quality of the product and the price range of the products.


Real Estate Salesmen – Buying a fully furnished house or condominium is not easy especially if you are looking for something that suits you perfectly and suits your budget as well. These brokers will help you find the perfect house, apartment or condominium themselves without hassling you. They will only ask you to look at a place when they know that it will be perfect for you to rent or to purchase.


Buying Gadgets and Computers – Buying gadgets is easy as it looks as long as you have an idea of what you want. All you need to do is to ask for a certain gadget you’ve been eyeing and you can instantly purchase it. Sales reps will come in if you have no clue what to look for. They are like motivational speakers who try to encourage and motivate a certain customer to purchase a gadget that they will recommend. They can become persuasive but they also have a point if they truly know that the customer is opting for that item.

Motivational Speakers for Documentaries

11/17/2011 21:55

When filming and making documentaries directors often hire motivational speakers or persons with expertise in certain fields or subjects, the purpose of hiring motivational speakers for certain documentaries specially if it is a documentary about the environmental changes and pollution is to help encourage and motivate the viewers and listeners to stop pollution or to help the environment. Perhaps one of the most famous documentaries where a motivational speaker is the host is Al Gore’s Pulitzer Prize winning discussion about global warming where he tackles the subject about how global warming is taking effect due to pollution and encouraged the people and the viewers to help prevent this and to spread awareness to other individuals. Here are a couple of documentaries where a motivational speaker is needed to do the narration or to discuss about the subject at hand.


Environmental documentaries – In these documentaries, most of the time the narrator or the speaker becomes a motivator to the audience in order to encourage them into helping to preserve the environment and to motivate them and inspire them to stop polluting. As one of the major causes of environmental changes and weather changes is from air pollution and waste pollution, the motivational speaker will discuss ways as to how to prevent them and how to recycle garbage to minimize their overall accumulation.


Motivational speaker documentaries – There are documentaries regarding motivational speakers around the globe and figuring out how they do what they do best by looking into the speaker’s daily routine. A camera crew follows around a motivational speaker from their home to their work. This is so that people will know how a life of a motivator truly is. Also to document exactly how they motivate a certain crowd to inspire them to be more efficient in everything they do. They are also observed from how they accumulate clients to how they negotiate for their fee. These are just some of the things you may see in a documentary about motivational speakers.


Wildlife documentary – In these documentaries about different animals, they tend to focus on how these animals move and how they hunt for food and what their place is in the environmental food chain. The host or narrator follows these animals around, from the time they wake up to the time they feed and when they hunt for food or when they find a mate. You can see these wild life documentaries in the animal planet channel and discovery channel online and on television.


Documentaries about people and icons – These kinds of film documentaries require a person or a narrator which has the skills of a motivational speaker in order to thoroughly explain to their viewers about how these people left a mark to be remembered always in history. The narrator should encourage and motivate the viewers and audience to listen to them in order to further know the full story about that particular person discussed in the documentary. Also to encourage people to follow in the example of that person so they too may have the possibility to make a change.

Senators as Keynote Speakers

11/17/2011 10:45

It is a fact that senators are invited or hired as keynote speakers in certain expos, galas and conventions. They will discuss about the topics at hand and discuss how people can become part of it. Most of the conventions that require the services of these senate keynote speakers are those of business expos, training conventions and job fairs. Here they are able to relay to their audience how important having a business is, attending a training seminar and looking for a job in job fairs. Senators are considered as great keynote speakers for the reason that they are fully knowledgeable of the events and laws of their surroundings and they are naturally good when speaking in public. Read about some of the topics and subject areas a keynote speaker senator tackles during their discussions.


Speaking at an organization gathering – During these gatherings the keynote speaker will most likely discuss about how the group came to exist and tackle about its roots. The speaker should also be a member of the organization in order for them to be well knowledgeable about the history and the bi-laws of the said fraternity. These speakers will also discuss as to how they can shape the future of the said organization and how they can entice new members to join them.


Focusing on creativity – During training seminars and conventions where speakers talk about the training program and itineraries for the week, they will also discuss about how to be more focused and more creative. This is to inspire and motivate the trainees and the audience to focus more on their goals and to become more creative in anything that they normally do. Thus being creative means that you are expressing and incorporating your own ideas and concepts into your daily work efficiency.


Encouraging change – This is one of the harder topics a keynote speaker will dive into when they are talking to some major companies or business establishments. These companies and business establishments do accept changes in their production or in their productivity but you cannot convince them with immediate change. They need to look into it first and study it if it is truly effective or if it can be accomplished easily without breaking their everyday normal routine. The speaker must explain to them that change is not something that is to be feared but must be seen as a sign of progress for this is where they will see their companies and their business establishments grow.


Dynamic breakthroughs – As a keynote speaker you must inquire with your audience if they are more focused into finding breakthroughs. Companies like these are more into researching medicines and cures for certain diseases. Explaining to them that these breakthroughs require time a lot of research data in order to finalize the results so they need not give up on this. Instead make them realize that when they will come up with a breakthrough in medicine or for humanity they will become number one.

Motivational Selling and Product Launch

11/15/2011 21:54

Selling anything under the sun requires a motivational speaker to encourage the buyers to go for the products that are sold. In a sense the sales representative for these products and or services are considered as motivational speakers who motivate people into purchasing their product or hiring their services offered. When a certain new product is launched in the market, that certain company will then organize a promotional event where they will introduce the product for the first time. During this kind of affair, they hire speakers to talk and discuss about the product as well as how and where to purchase them. Look below for topics a motivational speaker goes over with their crowd to ensure that they will patronize and purchase the product.


Events and Product Debut

Companies who want to introduce their new products organize a promotional product debut and invite major store owners and consumers to their affair. Then they would hire motivational speakers to talk about and discuss the said product. Most of the time the product manager will handle the introduction and the discussion regarding the said product to ensure the consumers that they are enormously proud of their new idea and that they are sharing it to the consumers.


Business and Product Expos

Also one way of promoting and encouraging buyers to try the new item is to introduce them and unveil them during business and product expos where businessmen all around the country or state are gathered. This is a great way to accumulate customers and consumers to try it out. Companies must hire a good sales representative with good motivational speaker skills to ensure that they will properly promote the said product to the people.


Product Promo Freebies

During the promotion of a certain product, not only do motivational speakers have to promote and sell the said items or services but they will also include freebies to entice the customers to purchase said items. Freebies will range from free items like free CD’s, toys, another size of the said item etc. People like to have free stuff and they particularly like it when it’s something that they could use. So after purchasing and trying out the certain product and they’ve grown to like it then they would now be interested in it and perhaps patronize it.


Product Promotion in Malls and Business Establishments

One way of promoting a certain product is by renting a small space inside a mall and introducing that certain product to potential consumers or customers. This way if they truly like the item then they would know where to immediately go to purchase it.

Speakers Reporting On Progress

11/14/2011 20:26

Whenever a company or a business establishment gives an annual report about the progress of their establishment or business they always hire or appoint someone to be the keynote speaker and do the reports for them. Most of these major companies are entitled to provide a progress report to their board of directors or trustees to have an evaluation of how the company or business establishment is doing. Speakers report about the positive and negative progression of the company and what they are doing to further improve it. Browse through some of the points a keynote speaker will go over and discuss with their board of directors regarding their report.


Progress report for the year – It’s a must that a company or business establishment give their annual report for the years progress. Keynote speakers who are in charge of this task will discuss what the company has done that year in order for the directors to be aware of the companies standing. Most of these directors would want their companies to be more productive and advance their production each year so that the board will not decide to shut them down. The main cause of these shut downs are poor sales and the ever dwindling advancement of a company.


Employee report – One of the points that a keynote speaker will discuss is about their employees and who they have hired on that year and what their jobs description is in the company or business establishment. The board of directors must be kept in touch of the employees who were hired and fired for that year so that they may know what the company’s standing is.


New products and services – Also a topic that a speaker will bring up are the new line of products or services that the company has offered to the public. This is to make sure that the public or the consumers patronize the brand or the company for their excellent new products and their services offered. These new products will greatly help in the rise of sales in the company or business establishment and that would mean more clients will invest and more customers will buy their products and hire their services.


Company proposals – The keynote speaker will discuss regarding several proposals to the board of directors to ask their approval on. May it be a new branch or an office renovation for a certain building. Proposals regarding new products and services are also discussed with the directors to ensure that their approval is initially given before the production will begin. Funding for these new concepts and equipment also require the approval of the directors before funding can be released and distributed to the different branches of the company.


Board decision – After reviewing all the proposals and the progress reports, the board of directors will decide the overall standing of the business establishment or the company and which proposals will either be approved or disapproved.

Infomercial Motivational Speakers

11/10/2011 21:43

Infomercials are also called long commercials that not only advertises and sells a certain product but informs the public as to what exactly the item does and how much. These infomercials are found in home TV shopping channels and networks dedicated solely for infomercials. In the program, there are two persons selling and describing the product. There’s the actual seller and a person that they say will testify as to the validity of what the item does. They are like motivational speakers encouraging people to purchase the product because it will be a great in helping them either in their kitchen, their garage, household chores or in cooking. Read about how these motivational speakers in infomercials convince their viewers to buy a certain product.


Kitchen Aids – This is one of the more popular products that infomercials or home shopping channels are selling like hotcakes. Those who are viewing or tuning in to an infomercial regarding kitchen aids, will greatly be mesmerized by the way a certain gadget works. There are automatic can openers, automatic potato peelers, hand blenders and fruit juicing devices that people think would greatly help make their cooking process a little faster. The object of these infomercials is always to outsell the rest so they sell a different set of products at a certain network that attests that their products are better than those from a different shopping network.


Car and Garage devices or products – Commercials like these target the husbands or the men by enticing them to buy items that claim to make their weekend chores much easier. Motivational speakers on these commercials encourage and attest that the item they are advertising truly helps in making weekend chores go smoothly. Devices that range from stools, to step ladders, to power tools and easy spray painting, are just some of the things a husband or a person may need to accomplish their chores faster.


Gadgets and Home decorations – When speaking of gadgets that these infomercials advertise, they are more into advertising those unknown gadgets like solar rechargeable flashlight or the battery less radio. Gadgets are sold to viewers who are addicted to home shopping networks and would buy just about anything that they would fancy. They are not important for everyday use but they distinguish it as a must have therefore they must buy it. Motivators need not thoroughly elaborate on the product they just focus more on its uses so that the consumer may know how to operate it.


Cooking Aids – There are devices where motivational speakers in shopping networks promote to help you with your cooking. Devices such as the automatic can opener and the automatic potato and carrot peeler offers to help in speeding up your cooking time by saving you from the hassle of peeling. Other devices have 3 uses in a single device, a toaster, a coffee maker and a fryer all rolled into one gadget. But these devices are more for the on the go type of person and not for family use.

Keynote Speakers for Movie Premiers

11/09/2011 22:25

In the movie industry, keynote speakers are often hired to speak in a movie premier as to what the movie is about. Most of the time the director or the producer of the movie becomes the keynote speaker where they discuss about how the movie was made, where the locations were set and how the movie turned out after the shoot. Also when a certain movie is bombarded with special effects which are truly breathtaking, the director will be proud to boast about how their special effects team came up with the effect. The following are some of the topics a keynote speaker will go over when speaking on these movie premiers or press junket.

I. Press Junkets – Movies hold press junkets weeks before the opening day of the film. During these press junkets, directors and or producers become keynote speakers by explaining to the press exactly what the movie is about and who the actors are. Also they will discuss as to the locations and the overall budget of the film. Sometimes during these press junkets for movies, they show a 30 minutes to 1 hour clip of the movie to the members of the press just to give them a sneak peak if the film. During the showing the press is not allowed to carry any video recording devices or even cellular phones to avoid leaking the film to the public before its opening day.

II. Special Effects – One of the major things that a movie nowadays boasts are the breathtaking special effects that give the audience an OHHH!!! Factor in order for the audience to be mesmerized by the film. Directors as keynote speakers discuss how their concepts in the directing of the film became a reality with the breathtaking special effects and computer generated images that they have incorporated into the film. They will additionally boast to the public how their computer generated images reflect the story as a whole.

III. Movie Concepts – During movie concepts when directors and producers are hired to produce and direct the movie, a press conference is held to tell the world to look forward to the movie that is going to be made and what it is about. Mostly the keynote speakers in these press cons are the studio executives and producers who have agreed to a contract to produce and hire directors and actors to make the film possible.

IV. Awards – In the event that a certain movie wins an award, it is the actor, the producer or the director who instantly becomes the keynote speaker when they are receiving the awards they have won. If it’s a best actor award normally the actor who won the award goes on stage, explains about how the movie became possible and thank the producers and the directors and other personnel involve in making the film possible.

Gathering Sponsorship Proposals

11/07/2011 17:58

Companies and businesses nowadays need sponsors in order to run a certain campaign or to sell more of their products. Certain employees or people, who are appointed to handle in the accumulation of sponsors, go around different major product companies to pitch their proposals in order to get them as one of their sponsors for a campaign or event they are organizing. These people become keynote speakers simply because they are the only person to pitch these proposals to potential sponsors for their event or campaign. Here are a few ways on how and where to gather sponsors for a certain kind of event.

During Sports Fests – Companies and business establishments organize sports fests or weekend sports competitions for their employees. For that they need to have sponsors in order to help them with the funding or to help them set up and organize the event. These event sponsors are of great help with an event both in financial and in setting up a certain campaign. These sponsors also contribute certain items which are crucially needed to make the event successful.

It is solely up to the person who was appointed to approach these companies regarding how they convince them on casting their sponsorship on their particular function. This is where these individuals show them slides and discuss proposals on how the company will benefit greatly if they sponsor that certain event. In company sports fests major sponsors are usually energy drinks, protein bars, shoe companies and sports equipment companies. They will gladly sponsor these types of activities in order to generate more sales and in order to entice individuals who are newly introduced to their products or services.

During Field Trips – Sponsors are highly needed for certain field trips especially if they are abroad. Individuals assigned to speak to sponsors become keynote speakers who try to convince and encourage their prospects into sponsoring their trips. These individuals will most likely approach political figures and business owners to sponsor their trip. Thus upon sponsoring them, they will ensure to always include in their banner the sponsors for their said field trip to accumulate clients either abroad or locally.

They are always happy to sponsor these kinds of activities especially if the destination is abroad so that their company name or product that is only known locally may be known elsewhere. At times they will let one of their employees go with the field trip in order to have a representative who will explain to potential customers abroad exactly what their company does.

Company Parties – During these company parties and events, those in charge of raking up their sponsors sell their proposals to certain individuals or beverage companies to sponsor their event. These keynote speakers sole purpose is to thoroughly entice their clients to be a part of their sponsor. As a common courtesy their names will be included in either the invitations or posters and they will be invited to the event with a VIP status stamped on their invitation.

Motivating Participants in a Contest

11/05/2011 18:20

Motivational speakers are not exclusive to motivating only a certain kind of crowd. They are also at times hired to speak at different contests and competitions to encourage and boost the morale of the contestants into performing and doing their best to become winners. They are entitled to give only a brief speech or a brief discussion on how to inspire and boost a contestant or group into giving it their best and doing all that they can in order to achieve victory. Below are a few topics a motivational speaker discusses with their audience before the competition or the contest begins.

Encouragement – Is crucially needed by participants in order to perform better in the competition. A motivational speaker will elaborate on how an individual have made it this far with their talent and that it would be a waste if they were not able to perform and give out a 110% in the competition. Participants and competitors have practiced and prepared meticulously for the competition and in order to get the true value of their sweat and sacrifice, they must protrude and obtain victory.

Not all participants will become the winners so instead of sulking over losing the competition, learn from the mistakes made and improve them more. This is a good way to become more encourage and inspired to compete again and achieve the victory that the participant has aimed for.

Sportsmanship – Motivational speakers must always remind their audience that not all competitors are winners so always remember not to be a sore loser. Always be honorable by accepting your defeat and congratulating the winner. Chances are they deserve to win because they are more skilled and well prepared than you so remember to always be fair and forthright when losing a competition.

The winners should also be honorable and also congratulate their competitors for performing well in the competition. They must not gloat about their win and intentionally rub it on their competitors faces. This will give them a negative image with the crowd and will create a difference between all the groups or individuals who have competed with each other.

Performance – When competing, proper performance always prevails over beauty. All the individuals that are present in a competition have prepared and practiced for months in order to perfect their skills and their performance. It matters not what a person wears or what gadgets a person utilizes, it simply breaks down to their overall performance. The judges and the referees will base their decision on how a person performs and how a person perfectly executes a certain task.

Keynote Speakers for an Animation Conference

11/05/2011 13:35

Animation nowadays is more on CGI (computer generated image) and there are different types of animation where different artists specialize on. Keynote speakers for such seminars or conferences dabble on topics pertaining to techniques that animators use nowadays. They will also discuss what kind of software they use in order to animate the characters that were just primarily drawn. Also one of their primary discussions focuses on the storyline of an animation and the overall theme of the story. This is to ensure that they have created uniqueness with the storyline and the overall theme of the animation. Below are a couple of things that a keynote speaker focus on in their discussion in order to guide their animators to new concepts and techniques in the world of interactive animation.

Telling a story – Before everything else, these animators focus on what storyline they are going to be utilizing. They must make sure that it will have a unique concept and overall theme in order for people to watch their movies or short clips. They can opt to retell a story that has been known to everyone and simply add a few things to spice up the storyline. Stories like fairytales and myths and legends come to life once they have the base story to generate their animation on. They simply acquire the base storyline and they have the option to add several sub stories in order to make the plot more interesting and decide whether to base their story in ancient times or modernize the thread but still keep the original concept of the story.

Animating – When animators draw the characters, the theme, and all the background in the animation they make sure that they capture the audience’s awe and amaze them with their art and computer generated graphics. This is a plus to the audience when they see a character in the movie or clip that has been drawn artistically thus capturing their attention and making sure that they become engulfed in the storyline. Keynote speakers will also discuss on how to add action packed scenes in the movie to make sure that the audience are constantly following the plot and to make sure that the movie does not bore anyone.

Incorporating 2d and 3d animation – Nowadays cartoons and movies are incorporated with 3D generated images to add an effect where the audience can see the background or certain objects in 3D. Some 2D cartoons are incorporated with these 3D graphics in order to properly distinguish certain things and certain materials in the movie or clip that only a computer generated image can elaborate.