
Motivational Speakers for Cancer Patients and Charities

11/02/2011 19:05

Cancer is considered as one of the leading causes of medical death in the globe. There are seminars and charity events dedicated to funding cancer patients and those seminars to educate people regarding the awareness of cancer and what the causes are. Motivational speakers are the main course discussing in these seminars and charity events. In charity events speakers discuss about how a person can make a difference by simply giving a donation to the charity fund for helping cancer patients. Their money will go to those patients who are unable to afford treatment for their cancer. Here are a few charities and subject points that a keynote speaker will tackle in their discussions.

Cancer awareness

One of the major campaigns held around the globe, Motivational speakers will discuss with their audience that they must constantly be aware should they have a history of cancer in their family background. They will also discuss the different kinds of cancer and where it strikes. For women they should be careful with having breast cancer, regular check-ups are a must for them in order to determine if certain cysts that are growing in their breast are cancerous or not.

Different kinds of cancer

There are four different kinds of cancers and they are breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer. They are some of the most common cancers that people have.

Breast Cancer – Is considered as the most common cancer in women and nearly 20 % of all cancer deaths are related to breast cancer. This kind of cancer can develop in a woman after the age of 40.

Colon Cancer – Is considered as the 3rd and most common cancer a person can have and estimates around 131,000 Americans are diagnosed with this disease each year and 55,000+ deaths related to it.

Lung Cancer – The second most common cancer among men and women and the major cause of this is excessive smoking.

Prostate Cancer – Mostly men are affected by it where 40% of men ages 50 and above develop microscopic traces of cancer in their prostate gland a number of these men die due to the increase in cancer cells while others die with no significance to this at all.

Motivational speakers will talk about the different kinds of charities that deal with cancer nowadays and some of these charities are more into helping cancer patients with their treatment and their medical bills, while other charities are into funding research to find a cure or a suppressant for the disease. Cancer has been around for as early as man incented the wheel; our preemptive goal now is to find a cure for this disease in order to prevent it from taking the lives of people. Research regarding the cure for the disease have been going on for many years now but still charities like these fund such research in order to one day find a cure for cancer or find a suppressant where cancer can be halted in a state to prevent it from spreading.

Keynote Speakers on Climate Change

10/29/2011 23:41

Discussions regarding climate change are held every now and then and they tackle topics about how these climate changes came to be. Keynote speakers will point out several reasons as to what the causes of the changes in our climate are. Of course there is carbon pollution coming from gas powered vehicles and from factories. There is chemical pollution where chemical plants and factories improperly dispose of their waste material and thus causing harm to the environment. Even the illegal cutting of trees in parts of the globe has contributed to the drastic change in climate. The causes of this unnecessary logging are flash floods landslides. Below are a couple of topics a keynote speaker tackles regarding climate change.

Increasing Heat Wave – Heat waves are striking in several areas around the globe, and are causing several casualties each year. Keynote speakers will point out several causes attributed to heat waves which are experienced just about anywhere nowadays. One major cause of this is carbon dioxide pollution which is mostly emitted from gasoline powered vehicles. As this harmful gas is released into the air they slowly seep up to our atmosphere and is slowly thinning our outer protection from direct sunlight radiation. That is why intense heat can be felt by a person should they walk around during a heat wave thus causing dehydration and brain damage which leads to death.

Weather Change – These environmental seminars and conferences hire keynote speakers to discuss about why weather changes occur and what the causes are. Have you ever experienced heavy rains during summer time? Or have experienced a tremendously intense heat wave during the months of October to December? Well this is not normal. A number of causes for these weather changes are from pollution emitted by factories, carbon dioxide from vehicles, and the unnecessary burning of garbage and other waste material.

Methane and Nitrous Oxide Pollution – Keynote speakers will also tackle about how methane pollution is considered as one of the causes of climate change today. This kind of pollution is caused by the methane produced by livestock or by and waste material from livestock. Nitrous oxide on the other hand comes from the production of chemical fertilizers. They may help in growing plants and vegetables but they emit dangerous Nitrous oxide unto the atmosphere during their production. Although they only contribute to 7% of the total pollution around the globe, it is still a significant percentage to be attended to.

Lastly here are a couple of carbon emissions from a well developed country that also contributes to pollution that causes changes in our climate. In a fairly developed country or continent like the UK their carbon emission which is caused by individuals has risen to 40+%. The breakdown of the contribution of these carbon emissions come from the energy or power used in their homes for heating during winter and in cold weather conditions, from their vehicles and public transportation even construction vehicles and mining and finally from air travel.

Motivating a Labor Force

10/29/2011 23:20

A factory labor force also need motivation in order to be more efficient in their daily work output. That’s when their bosses and heads hire a motivational speaker to motivate and encourage their workforce to produce excellent work output each day. A workforce or labor force simply needs incentives in order to work better or to be more efficient. Remember that a person cannot be motivated to do anything a speakers needs to set the right mood in order for motivation to occur in themselves. A motivational speaker simply sets the stage for motivation to occur within one’s self. So here are a couple of things to remember or implement for a labor force or work force to be more efficient and motivated.

Salary increase – A motivational speaker will point out why a salary increase is one reason a labor force will do well in their daily job. But a speaker will also encourage a person to love what they are doing, to embrace the job that they have. If a worker is enormously efficient in their work and is also without a doubt hard working then their bosses and their heads can come to a decision for an increase in their salary. If however a worker is sloppy and lazy with their assigned job then there are no grounds to give that person a salary increase. What the motivational speaker will point out is that a worker should work hard in order to have an increase in salary.

Recognizing good work – In a work force a person will get a boost in morale once they are given praise with their work output. Motivational speakers will encourage an individual to generate better results in order to be recognized or patted in the back by their bosses or their supervisors. A person with the best work efficiency will always be recognized as a role model for other people in the work force. Should a person create an impact that generated more sales for their company for example, will receive glorious praise and recognition from their bosses and may even get a reward for a job well done.

Disciplinary actions for inefficiency – When a company or factory implements disciplinary actions for workers who are sloppy and inefficient in their work, this creates an effect where other workers will be more productive and efficient in their jobs to avoid getting a disciplinary action from their bosses or supervisors. This will create a working environment that radically focuses on producing better and quality results.

Giving your workers new equipment and tools – Motivational speakers will teach their audience on how to properly request for new tools and equipments for their work. When workers have these new tools and equipments, it will make their work easier and they will get a boost in morale to work better using their newly acquired equipments.

Environmental Keynote Speakers

10/29/2011 22:53

In rallies and conferences in relation to the environment, a specific kind of keynote speaker is hired or invited to discuss certain points and topics on how to conserve the environment. One famous keynote speaker who won the Nobel Peace Prize is Al Gore for his famous discussion on global warming and how it is the “greatest challenge man has ever faced”. And for his discussion and lecture regarding the effects and the causes of global warming to mother earth he won the Nobel Peace Prize. He is now considered as one of the most important environmental keynote speakers to give a lecture regarding global warming. Here are a couple of topics an environmental keynote speaker tackles with their audience.

Carbon Dioxide pollution – One of the worse cases of pollution that the environment is facing is carbon dioxide. These are mostly emitted by vehicles dependent on gasoline, and other vehicles that produce carbon dioxide from their exhaust pipes. Some factories also emit these dangerous and harmful smoke, such factories that burn rubber or metal factories where carbon dioxide flows up through their chimneys. Environmental keynote speakers tackle these topics and offer solutions to such environmentally harmful substances. They may only offer a few easy to act solutions but it is enough for people to act on.

Nuclear and Chemical wastes and Nuclear Testing Sites – Also a topic that environmental keynote speakers discuss is the improper disposal of these nuclear and chemical wastes which are merely dumped in secluded locations hoping that it would go away. Some chemical wastes are dumped in rivers and lakes which drastically destroy the ecosystem around them as well as the local wildlife. Such actions need to be halted and that’s why some rallies are held outside the walls of these chemical plants and nuclear power plants for their improper disposal of their waste material.

One effect a nuclear test site had on a certain ecosystem and community is the Chernobyl incident, where a nuclear power plant exploded and leaked radiation all over certain parts of Russia. This effect led to many deaths even after several years after the incident occurred due to radiation exposures or to side effects of radiation that contaminated the neighboring cities of Chernobyl. The place would not be habitable for a good 75-100 years for there are still large traces of radiation seeping through from the environment and would be terribly harmful to inhabitants and even to wildlife.

Trash Problem – And lastly there is the trash problem that all nations around the world are having trouble with. With the growth in population so does the growth in trash rise each day. These environmental keynote speakers will tackle about how to minimize the trash that a family can produce each day. One solution to this problem is recycling trash. Separating paper, plastic, biodegradable and non biodegradable things in order to be recycled and used again or perhaps made into something useful like making a wheelchair from aluminum cans are just some of the things that recycled trash can produce.

Motivational Consultants

10/27/2011 16:25

Motivational speakers not only speak in public regarding motivating and encouraging people by being more efficient in life. They are also consultants that help individuals with their dilemmas in life and help them be more inspired. Sometimes they have a hotline where people can dial in and ask a few questions regarding certain difficulties they are having. These motivators can answer a person’s queries and throw in an advice or two to ensure that they will properly encourage that person to be more inspired and motivated. Browse through below on how these motivational speakers become consultants.

Radio Consultant – Motivational speakers from time to time become guest speakers at a radio show and this is a good opportunity for people to ask them questions about how they can be more efficient in their work and at home. This is a free consult for individuals who wish to get answers for their questions so better prepare a good question.

Some motivational speakers also have a radio show of their own and they are on the air for a good 30 minutes to an hour. This is where they take in questions and discuss certain topics regarding the encouragement of individuals and how to motivate a person into becoming a better person. You just simply dial in and ask a few queries regarding your self-dilemma, and then the speaker explains on the air the answers that you might be seeking. This is one way a motivational speaker becomes a consultant, they take in individual queries and answer them or discuss them on the air for their listeners to hear and also absorb.

Motivational Hotline – Some motivational speakers have a hotline where people can simply call should they need encouragement and advice regarding certain issues that bother them on a daily basis. These hotlines are not free; they require a small fee for every minute of call time. Motivational consultants offer their advice and their services and make sure that they have truly helped the individual with their problem before they hang up. Nowadays these hotlines are not all that popular anymore with the ever growing internet holding all the information a person needs. But this was pretty popular during the early 80’s to the late 90’s where a person can get advice from motivators and help them be more inspired and encouraged with their daily work related problems or family related problems.

Writing a Motivational Book or a Motivational Video – These books and videos are also dubbed as handy consultants where a person can simply consult their motivational books or motivational videos if they are having problems or dilemmas in their daily routines. Motivational speakers sell these books and videos in order to provide guides to the people regarding their motivational techniques and encouragement concepts. So people can easily play these videos and listen and watch the speaker motivate them or perhaps read their book and browse through the pages where they will find useful information regarding their predicament and how to solve them.

Why Keynote Speakers Are Hired?

10/24/2011 19:56

There are several reasons as to why keynote speakers are hired to speak at a conference, seminar, event etc. Speakers that posses a certain knowledge and expertise in their field are the ones often hired to speak in these functions. Maybe they had a written a book about a certain topic where a client who hired them have found useful to discuss with their guests and audience. Perhaps these persons were Former CEO’s or successful business entrepreneurs that were hired to share their knowledge of how they’ve reached their success and throw in a couple of techniques regarding to achieve personal success. Read through a couple of reasons why keynote speakers are hired to speak at a conference or seminar.

One: Sharing Of Knowledge – These keynote speakers are mainly hired in order to share their knowledge about certain techniques and concepts that they have successfully used in order to become successful in their lives. These speakers are not just company executives and successful business entrepreneurs, some are also lawyers and teachers and even persons who have started a small but growing business that could cope up with their competitors. They simply share how they are able to achieve such success and relay a couple of pointers towards their audience on how to be successful like them.

Two: Keynote Motivators – Some keynote speakers are also motivators that help encourage and motivate their audience into changing their lives and improving their work efficiency. These kinds of keynote motivators may be a bit hard to find due to that fact that you can have two kinds of speakers by just hiring one. Keynote speakers are more into relating their success stories and teaching a few techniques and a few pointers on how to be successful like them, while motivational speakers are more into encouraging and motivating people into becoming more efficient in life and in their work.

Three: Speakers Who Likes to Help – There are keynote speakers who are more into helping people achieve what they have long dreamed about. These speakers are not in it for the money; they simply want to help other individuals. Speakers like these don’t even mind how much they are getting paid for in order to speak, as long as they have delivered their message to their target audience then they have found satisfaction. They need not require money for some of these kinds of speakers are rich and believes that sharing their success towards others means that they have helped others with their needs.

Four: Keynote Speakers Who Speak about Their Book – Some keynote speakers have already written books that are considered as best sellers. They may have wrote something about marketing strategies or ways on how to put up your own business, so they speak about the contents of their books and how their book can help those who require it the most. They are more into plugging their book and urging their audience to buy a copy because it will help them greatly.

Creating a Motivational Presentation

10/24/2011 11:23

Motivational speakers at times create their own presentations, most of the time they hire writers or let their assistants write and make their presentations for them. Most speakers prefer that they create their presentation and speech themselves so that they may know exactly what to write a may easily memorize their discussion. But when speakers let others create their presentations they may have difficulty in memorizing the lines and the order the discussion flows. Speakers must know how to properly create and organize a motivational pitch in order for their audience to fully grasp their presentation. Below are a couple of things a speaker should bear in mind when creating their discussion or speech.

Characteristics of a presentation – Motivational presentations consist of a persuasive speech that will greatly impact a person’s life. Presentations like these serves to inspire individuals such as employees, business entrepreneurs, students, and highly skilled professionals. This is to help encourage them that they can become more than they already are. A speech or discussion to motivate people should consist of examples which depict real life inspirational stories, techniques on how to be more efficient in anything a person does and incorporating can do attitude into the presentation so that the audience may apply this can do attitude in their daily routine.

Topics to choose from – There are a lot of topics that a motivational speaker can choose from for their presentation. There are topics for team building, for the development of a person’s career, and breakthroughs. Nowadays there are also parenting and confidence building topics which are highlighted in a motivational speaker’s discussion. These topics concentrate more on how to encourage parents to be more attentive towards their family especially their kids. They also teach parents how to understand kids nowadays and how to handle and discipline them properly.

Setting a goal – When presenting your speech or discussion, always remember to set a goal before you move on to the next part. Several goals of a successful motivational presentation are to inform, to persuade, to encourage, and to generate a bond between the speaker and the audience. Let your audience know initially some of the goals you wish to achieve with you presentation and make a mental checklist if you have achieved some of those goals before the end of your discussion. Before moving on to the next part inform your audience that they have truly progressed and acquired the necessary information that they needed in order to be properly motivated and inspired.

Be a Coach for Speakers

10/23/2011 22:44

Public speakers like keynote speakers and motivational speakers require a coach or a class where they learn more about their public speaking skills. Speakers need to harness more their speaking skills in order to gain more clients and in order to be good at what they do. These coaches teach speakers on how to properly deliver their speeches, their discussions and their presentations. Also they train them how to face a different crowd each time they are hired to speak in front of an audience. Having a different sort of audience every time a speaker gives their presentation means that they have to flex their discussion to fit their type of audience, so they must initially size up their guests then continue on. Below are a couple of reasons why keynote speakers need coaches.

To enhance their public speaking abilities – Speaking in public may be at times difficult, should a speaker not know what type of crowd they are speaking to. A coach helps keynote speakers how to initially analyze their audience members in order for them to quickly mould their presentation or discussion to suit the individuals who are listening. There are also times when a speaker may develop a fear of failing, failing to give out an excellent performance or failing to properly deliver their presentation. If this happens then a speaker can simply hire a coach to help them with their situation and help them overcome their fears. This will allow a speaker to generate an excellent performance or discussion.

To Help Them Deliver An Excellent Presentation – A coach also helps these speakers on how to generate an excellent presentation every time. They teach them techniques on how to research properly for the data needed in their presentation. How to also initially research about the guests who are attending the event, if they are religious, fortune 500 tycoons, lawyers, or perhaps entrepreneurs. This is to avoid saying anything inappropriate or including something that would offend someone unto your discussion. Also so a speaker may know what sort of techniques they can relay unto their audience members and what sort of concepts they can teach them.

How To Generate Clients – Coaches also teach these keynote speakers on how to gain clients and how to advertise their skills. To gain clients these coaches will teach them how to advertise and how to promote themselves either through the internet or through their acquaintances and colleagues. In advertising via the internet, the best way to promote a speaker is to create a website that enumerates their skill and their capabilities and experiences. Also posting a video of one of their presentations in order for clients to see how they perform in front of a live audience will greatly impress them. Also never forget to include how much the speaker’s fee is so that potential clients may have an idea of how much they would be paying a keynote speaker they intend to hire for their event.

The Average Fee of a Motivational Speaker

10/19/2011 20:12

Speaking in front of a large number of people is not easy, and being a motivational speaker speaking and motivating people is also not easy. A speaker needs to generate a couple of hours of discussion just to encourage their audience into absorbing their presentation. A motivational speaker’s fee varies from their agreement with their clients or from how popular and in demand they are by the people. Being a motivational speaker isn’t as easy as it looks, many people fear being in front of a huge number of individuals and speaking to them. These speakers are a natural at what they do for they have been doing it for some time and they love teaching and motivating other people. That’s why these speakers are paid a hefty sum for their services for not all people call do what they do best. Know how much the fee of a motivational speaker is by reading below.

Fee by Location - There’s a difference on the fees of a motivational speaker by their location. In the US an average fee for a motivational speaker is $20-40,000 and that is just the average fee. In some states or in other countries those fees would be different. Motivational speakers from the UK have an average fee of £5,000 and this varies also from different locations in Europe.

Difference in Experience and Demand - There is a huge difference in pay from a motivational speaker with an experience to boast and a motivational speaker who is just starting out in the business. Speakers who are just slowly creeping up to the motivational speaking scene are content with their basic pay of around $500-2000 for they still lack the exposure in order to be recognized as a good motivational speaker. They would sometimes even volunteer to speak at an event for free just to rake up on their experience and to be exposed to potential clients who may opt to hire them in the future. On the other hand those speakers who are very popular in their field are highly recommended to clients. This is why they can have a fully booked schedule and they are constantly out of town to speak at either a seminar or conference. These speakers have a fee that range from $40-50,000 but are well worth every penny for they are considered as the best at what they do.

Other Areas of Work – These speakers are not only into motivating people or employees, they are also hired to sometimes speak at television discussions and would sometimes be invited on debates. They are even doing motivational videos for television networks or perhaps do motivational videos to sell either online or sell at a bookstore. These motivational videos help individuals be motivated by simply watching the speakers video. There are also motivational audio recordings that people listen to in order to boost their self confidence and to be motivated and encouraged on their work output or daily routines.

Evaluate a Keynote Speaker

10/19/2011 18:56

Here are some suggestions on how to evaluate a keynote speaker. The guests will be expecting the speaker to deliver an inspirational and useful message to better improve their performance at work or in their business. Keynote speakers are the main course of an important event, company function/convention or seminars. So it’s better to observe and evaluate the speaker before you hire them or better yet let the audience evaluate how the speaker delivered his message.

Let the audience/crowd evaluate the keynote speaker. Pass out evaluation forms to your guests to let them evaluate the speaker on how they delivered their message. Let them rate the speaker from 1-10, 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest. Write in the form if they found the speaker to be interesting, if he/she omitted information and tips that may help you improve your daily performance, and taught the audience how to apply what they learned to their daily lives. Also let the crowd write comments on the form about the speaker and in what areas they should improve more. At the end of the function give the evaluation forms to the speaker and let them browse through it. Observe if he/she reacts negatively to a certain comment or if they merely absorb it and deal with it.

You can listen to a keynote speaker beforehand by attending one of his speaking seminars, workshops, or conventions. Observe if he/she meets the proper qualification for the function you are organizing. You’ll know when a speaker is that good with what he does if several minutes into his speech, you are already drawn in and interested in what he has to say. Notice if he/she has exactly the right knowledge and charisma to fit the event topic you are preparing for.

Remember to hire a keynote speaker that has a wide knowledge and is flexible on topics that you throw their way. Inquire with your company or with acquaintances about speakers that they know who would fit perfectly with the event you are planning. Choose from among your list of speakers to be hired if which of them is more qualified to handle such events. Ask for a meet with your potential speakers one by one and get to know them. It’s also useful if you listen to audios or videos of the previous speeches they gave. Be sure that what they divulge in their speeches sink in to their listeners. Also observe the audiences reaction to the speaker if they show a positive response or if there are walk outs or cheers.

After the end of your function, approach and thank your keynote speaker. Explain to him if he/she should improve something in his speech delivery or gestures. Always remember to throw constructive criticisms, you would want for the speaker to better enhance his/her skills for his next speaking engagement. Converse with the speaker about your overall impression on his speech, how much you’ve enjoyed certain humor and examples he cited during his talk.